HomeComunicatiResidenze artistiche in Finlandia con budget

Residenze artistiche in Finlandia con budget

Residenze artistiche: in Finlandia la Kone Foundation seleziona artisti, critici e traduttori da ospitare al Saari Residence, nella città di Hietamäki. A disposizione dei selezionati un minimo di 2350 euro di budget al mese.

Apply for the Saari Residence in August
Application period for residencies in 2017 begins on 1 August and ends on 31 August 16.00 Finnish time (Eastern European summer time, GMT + 3).

The Saari Residence is a tranquil facility and a fruitful meeting point for artists and researchers. The Saari Residence offers Finnish and non-Finnish artists, critics and translators the chance to work intensively for a period of two months in a relaxed countryside setting from September to April. Artistic groups may also apply for use of the residence’s facilities for limited periods of time from May to August. Each resident is provided with an apartment and workroom.

Kone Foundation provides monthly grants (2,350 or 2,700 euros/month) for the duration of the residency period. Groups can apply for grants to compensate for expenses.

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