HomeComunicatiPina Bausch Fellowship 2017. Borse di studio per danzatori e coreografi

Pina Bausch Fellowship 2017. Borse di studio per danzatori e coreografi

Pina Bausch Fellowship 2017. Borse di studio per danzatori e coreografi. La Arts Foundation of North Rhine-Westphalia e la Pina Bausch Foundation selezionano fino al 15 settembre 2016 danzatori e coreografi a cui assegnare borse di studio. Le borse (fino a 4, da 2.500 Euro al mese l’una) sono destinate alla formazione e al lavoro. Qui il bando in inglese


The Arts Foundation of North Rhine-Westphalia and Pina Bausch Foundation award a grant for dance and choreography.

Deadline for applications: September 15th, 2016


  1. grants for a temporary residence at renowned institutions for dance and choreography abroad
  2. a non-paid participation in an ensemble or a placement with a choreographer at home or abroad
  3. the studies of dance techniques with renowned personalities at home or abroad

The scholarship holders are getting the chance to gain new experiences and are encouraged to develop their own artistic characteristics with new forms of expression. The Pina Bausch Fellowship is not a project fund, nor is it aimed at the development of new pieces.

For that purpose you need to look for a partner in whose work you are interested in or with whom you would like to cooperate. Cooperating partners can be renowned ensembles, choreographers, and also institutions and personalities from dance- or choreographic training institutions. The plans for the fellowship are to be prearranged together with this partner. Possible projects could be collaboration in form of an externship with a choreographer or a stay at a renowned training institution as a visiting student. Each applicant has to contact their cooperating partner themselves and have the planned project confirmed in a “letter of intent”.


The Pina Bausch Fellowship is not a project fund, nor is it aimed at the development of new pieces.

Each fellowship can take a minimum of three months and no longer than six months. It includes a monthly allowance of 2.500 Euros and one-time travel expenses. Up to four fellowships are granted each year.

The Fellowship is promoted internationally. It has no age-restirctions and aims at single artists from the fields of dance and choreography (dancers and choreographers). They can apply if they meet requirements.


An application for the Pina Bausch Fellowship 2017 is possible from June 1st to September 15th, 2016, and only here: https://fellowship.pinabausch.org/en/application

The application procedure requires:

  1. letter of motivation (max. 1500 characters with blanks in ENGLISH)
  2. a brief statement on your planned stay ( max. 800 characters with blanks in ENGLISH)
  3. CV in tabular form (max. 1500 characters with blanks in ENGLISH)
  4. information on the planned date and duration of the stay
  5. letter of intent from the cooperating partner (e.g. an ensemble, a renowned person or institution from the field of dance or choreography, in ENGLISH)
  6. press cuttings (optional)
  7. video material

For choreographers – a selection of public performances (no more than three videos)

For dancers – a selection of performances in artistic productions (no more than two videos) and a recording of an artistic performance based on a task that they set for themselves (one video, no longer than ‑five minutes)


For dancers – university/academic degree in dance and/or two years professional experience with a renowned ensemble

For choreographers – independent creation of at least one production with a public performance in the last three years

Please note that you need to provide the video-material online, e.g. by secure file upload to a video portal. You can specify the links and passwords (if any) in the application form. For technical reasons we do not recommend to use YouTube or Dailymotion for your upload. Videos, whose links are not functional, can unfortunately not be considered.


The grant holders are selected by an international panel and will be announced in mid-December 2016. The panel’s decision is final and incontestable.


The selected participants take part in an introductory week in Wuppertal from January 10th to 15th, 2017. Following the end of the fellowship year, they introduce their results with a lecture in Wuppertal in January 2018.

Contact: fellowship@pinabausch.org

For further information and to apply please visit: fellowship.pinabausch.org

info: fellowship.pinabausch.org



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