HomeComunicatiA Londra 4 collaboratori per una ricerca sul pubblico del teatro

A Londra 4 collaboratori per una ricerca sul pubblico del teatro

Londra: cercano 4 collaboratori interessati alle ricerche sul pubblico. Qui anche il compenso per le 2 settimane di lavoro (24/6- 8/7/2016)

We are looking to employ 4 London-based collaborators to help us carry out research as part of Dr Margherita Laera’s AHRC Leadership Fellowship Translation Adaptation Otherness: ‘Foreignisation’ in Theatre Practice. The work is suited to completing BA students or to MAs or PhDs in drama, theatre studies, anthropology or related disciplines, for whom it would provide an interesting one-off experience as part of a large research project. It is particularly suited to people who have an interest in audience research and interviewing techniques.

The collaborators will have to be free to attend a training session on the afternoon of Wednesday 8th June (central London location TBC) and free to work at The Gate Theatre in Notting Hill from 2PM – 5PM on Friday 24th June, Friday 1st July and Friday 8th July.

The work involves carrying out brief semi-structured interviews (4-6 minutes) with audience members after three rehearsed readings at The Gate on the dates above and transcribing those interviews alongside 3.5 hours each of other recorded material. The transcriptions will have to be completed by August 15th 2016.

We are offering a one-off payment of £390.00 per participant for the work, which includes 9 hours of interviews and 3 hours of training (paid at £17.50 each) + the transcription of 4.5 hours in total of recorded material (the collaborators’ own interviews + 3.5 hours of other material, paid at £40/hour of material). Applicants are asked to send a CV and a brief expression of interest to Dr Flora Pitrolo (f.pitrolo@kent.ac.uk) by June 3rd 2016.


INFO: www.translatingtheatre.com/paid-opportunity.html


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