HomeComunicatiAdventures in Authorship in Scozia cerca assoli coreografici

Adventures in Authorship in Scozia cerca assoli coreografici

Adventures in Authorship, organizzato da Citymoves Dance Agency, ad Aberdeen (Scozia), all’interno di #DanceLive15, è alla ricerca di artisti in grado di riproporre assoli coreografici, che abbiano almeno 3 anni,reinterpretati da un altro coautore. Il budget è di 5000 sterline. Scade il 12 gennaio 2016

Citymoves Dance Agency, December 2015
Supported by Bodysurf Scotland and plan B

(de)commission Opportunity


Aberdeen is the European capital of oil and gas operations and as an industry it brings a significant identity, revenue and wealth to the Granite City. However, there is a growing realisation that North Sea oil and gas fields are finite and are heading towards the end of their production lives. New opportunities and skills are needed to shape the future of Aberdeen and discussions around decommissioning are starting to take place.

At #DanceLive15, Citymoves introduced Adventures in Authorship a programme of discussions, performances and interactive work that looked at how and who can influence the outcome of work which blurred the idea and role of the original author.

It is in this spirit that Citymoves are offering a £5,000 (de)commission fee, three weeks studio time (Aberdeen, Findhorn and Evanton) and accommodation in NE Scotland across 2016 with a set of dance organisations that support the choreographic ecology of Scotland.

We’re looking to (de)commission an existing (30 – 40 minute) solo dance (in any style and from any country) work that is at least 3 years old. We will offer a fee, studio time and accommodation for you and up to one other person to re-author, re-look and re-create a new (30 – 40 minute) work taking your original material as the stimulus. As part of this fee you would present the original solo and new solo on the same night at #DanceLive16 (14th – 25th October 2016) as part of the Adventures in Authorship programme.

Submission Deadline, Requirements and Additional Information

12 noon on Tuesday 12th January 2016.
If you have any questions please email Hayley Durward HDurward@aberdeencity.gov.uk,

Up to one page that demonstrates the intentions behind its creation (or equivalent alternative video/audio formats if that’s preferable), a budget and a copy of the original solo (mp4 format via file transfer)
Up to one page outlining why the decommission opportunity appeals to you and what your intentions would be for the new solo and identify preferable dates from April to September 2016 when you’d like the studio time (or equivalent alternative video/audio formats if that’s preferable).
Those shortlisted would be invited to take part in a phone/skype interview on 2nd February 2016 and selection would be confirmed by mid February 2016

For #DanceLive15 Citymoves developed a new programme strand of the festival entitled Adventures in Authorship. We commisioned several works and experiences that encouraged audiences, participants and artists to question ideas around who is the author and originator of an experience.

One of the organisations that we worked closely with and have supported was Cultured Mongrel Dance Theatre who over the past two years have developed an innovative research process entitled #thesolofilter. We were delighted to present the first opportunity for the public to engage with it and for those who’re interested in exploring, connecting with CMDT or finding out more about their growing research into re-authorship, head to their website for more information.

info: https://citymoves.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/decommission-opportunity-deadline-12th-january/




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