Concorso internazionale Art Integration dedicato a professionisti/e del teatro provenienti da Ucraina, Russia e Bielorussia

Il concorso internazionale Art Integration, un’iniziativa del fondo Teal House, fondato dall’attrice Karolina Gruszka e dal regista e drammaturgo Ivan Vyrypaev. Il progetto è rivolto ai professionisti del teatro provenienti da Ucraina, Russia e Bielorussia che, a causa di conflitti o regimi oppressivi, si sono trasferiti in Europa. Art Integration offre finanziamento per lo sviluppo dei progetti teatrali, mentorship con esperti internazionali e la possibilità di sviluppare e presentare progetti a potenziali produttori e partner. scade il 10 gennaio 2025

Teal House Foundation Launches “Art Integration”: Grants and Mentorship for Displaced Theater Artists

Today, Teal House Foundation proudly announces the launch of Art Integration — a competition and grant program designed to assist displaced theater professionals currently living in Europe. Art Integration focuses on empowering artists from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus affected by war and oppressive regimes. The program offers participants support to adapt creatively and professionally through funding and mentorship from industry experts.

Starting over in a new country is never easy, and we understand what it means to rebuild life and art in new surroundings” says Ivan Vyrypaev, Artistic Director of Art Integration. “Through this competition, we want to help artists bring their stories and talent to a new stage and build professional connections in their new home.”

The competition is now open for submissions. Artists are invited to submit a project description, along with CV and portfolio. Applications will be reviewed, and 25 selected projects will advance to a pitch session, where five winners will each receive grants to further develop and showcase their work to potential producers and partners.

Alongside Ivan Vyrypaev, the expert panel responsible for reviewing 25 selected projects and choosing finalists includes Clara Zehrbach, an editor from Germany; Karolina Ochab, a director from Poland; Gilles Morel, a producer, comedian, and director from France; and Vasilka Bumbarova, a theatre manager and cultural innovator from Bulgaria. Their diverse expertise will ensure a well-rounded and thoughtful evaluation of each applicant’s work.

Art Integration will unfold over several months, beginning with the application period open now through January 10, 2025. Finalists will be announced in February, followed by project pitches later that month. Winners will then develop their projects from March to May 2025, culminating in final presentations in mid-May.

Participants will be guided by an international team of renowned mentors including Denis Kargaev, a marketer and creative entrepreneur from Germany; Alena Yankelevich, a theater producer, teacher, and curator of educational programs based in Israel; Evgenii Kazachkov, a playwright, screenwriter, and art director based in the United Kingdom; and Katsia Romanchik, a cultural manager, media activist, and NGO representative from Poland. These creative professionals will provide guidance in crafting compelling pitches, creating meaningful presentations, and developing project budgets.

To learn more and apply, visit the competition site.


About Teal House

Founded by acclaimed actress Karolina Gruszka and playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev, Teal House is an initiative that brings together a community of talented and determined young creatives — directors, actors, artists, and more — who have fled their homes to pursue liberty, growth, and connection. Teal House believes that art can transcend adversity, empowering displaced artists to reshape their narratives and inspire others.

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